Turbo air ventilators, also known as wind-driven ventilators or roof ventilators, are used to improve ventilation and air circulation in various settings. They are commonly used in: Industrial Settings: Turbo ventilators help exhaust hot air, smoke, fumes, and odors from factories, warehouses, and industrial buildings, thus improving air quality and reducing heat buildup. Commercial Buildings: They can be installed in commercial spaces like shopping malls, airports, and office buildings to maintain fresh air circulation and reduce humidity. Agricultural Facilities: Turbo ventilators aid in maintaining proper ventilation and temperature control in agricultural buildings such as barns, poultry houses, and greenhouses. Residential Buildings: They are used in homes and apartments to improve indoor air quality, control humidity, and enhance overall comfort. Parking Lots: Turbo ventilators are sometimes used in underground parking lots to help exhaust fumes and circulate fresh air.
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